Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics shall serve as a general guideline or, if you want, moral support in situations where we may wonder whether our behaviour or actions are in compliance with good morals and integrity.
The aim of this document is to provide you with such information and help both you and the Company to behave and act in our vicinity to the best of our ability and in a way that we can be proud of.
The Company’s Commitment to Employees
The Company
- It values all of its employees.
- It cares about the education and professional growth of its employees.
- It observes all legal regulations, general rules and good manners (e.g., there is no discrimination on the grounds of gender, religion, political opinion, race, age, harassment, involuntary work, employment of children/minors etc.). Further, the Company does not tolerate any manifestation of extremism of any kind, either implicit or explicit.
- It does not support modern slavery (i.e. slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking)
- It is politically neutral. Any lobbying or other political meeting are only permitted to people who have such activities in their job descriptions, or with the Company’s authorisation.
- It requires that employees observe the occupational safety policy, and to observe and use the established hours of work.
- It requires that employees do not act contrary to the legitimate interests of the employer, in relation to the Company’s property, as well as to properly manage the funds entrusted to them in order to protect the employer’s property.
- It promotes free competition in the marketplace based on the product itself, the quality of services offered and the price competition capabilities as the basic strategy. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to give as well as to accept excessive hospitality or gifts to/from suppliers and customers.
- It does not tolerate any form of criminal activity committed by its management, and will never require it from its employees.
- It does not tolerate any form of criminal activity committed by the employees in connection with their work or position. Efforts to prevent criminal liability of the employer are one of the employer’s objectives. Employees must act honestly and make every effort to prevent any criminal activity.
- It provides employees who report any significant violation of this Code, internal regulations or laws by any member of the Company’s management or another employee with the necessary protection and anonymity.
- It respects the employees’ right to freely associate, organise and bargain collectively.
- It is environmentally friendly and promotes such an attitude towards its employees and business partners.
- It respects also ethical values of business partners.
The Company prefers to use negotiation procedures to settle any labour disputes between the Company and employees.
My Commitment to Myself
- I act with integrity.
- I do not harm the reputation of my colleagues or competitors.
- I respect and maintain the confidentiality of information.
- I follow applicable documents for safety and my job.
- I am honest and proactive.
- My behaviour and actions are only conducted with good intention.
The Employees’ Commitment to the Company
- They are the most important part of the Company environment, thus, both the Company and all employees must participate in creating shared values and a friendly environment.
- They strive together to achieve increasingly better results for the employer.
- They perform their work with the necessary loyalty and refrain from any competitive activity.
- They are obliged to inform their superior of any existing or potential conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest exists when the interest of the employee or a person close to the employee overrides the interests of the Company.
- They observe all legal and internal regulations as well as the employer’s instructions in performing their work. In addition, follow relevant legal regulations required for the performance of their work.
- They participate in establishing the reputation of the employer as well as the products and services thereof, including during their non-working activities that are presented publicly (e.g., on social networks).
- They may only give or accept gifts that are not bribes.
Giving or accepting gifts shall comply with legal regulations and customs (for example, gifts for birthdays and other anniversaries, for Christmas or other important events, invitations to a partner's party, for a work-related training event, etc., comply with customs and, thus, are permitted).
Where a gift exceeds the value of CZK 1,000 or 1% of the monthly wage, I always need to inform my superior about such a situation.
- They give and accept gifts openly, i.e., on behalf of the employer, not on their own behalf.
- They are forbidden to give or accept cash gifts. Gift vouchers for goods or services may only be given or accepted if such vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash.
- Employees who have their business trips paid for by a third party may only extend the trip for private reasons, solely at the employee’s expense, and during the employee’s time off. Participation of family members on a business trip paid for by a third party is not permitted.
- They are not permitted to accept any gifts during selection procedures (even informal ones).
- They use the Company property entrusted to them exclusively for the work purposes for the employer unless the right to use the entrusted property for private purposes is contractually agreed.
Employees are prohibited from taking advantage of opportunities discovered through the use of the Company property, Company information or in the performance of work within the scope of their employment without the approval of senior management.